A blog about Christian Maloof's adventures in race car driving, from NASA to Grand-Am.

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This is my first season racing in the Grand-Am KONI ST Sports Car Challenge with Team Freedom Autosport and co-driver Mark White.

Friday, April 18, 2008

So where did it all begin?

I am commonly asked how I got into motorsport? Well, I did not always love racing, I loved cars but rarely did watch racing on tv or ever attend a race in person. My Dad's passion for cars and for Porsches in particular played no small role. I would detail cars with my Dad and discuss at great length the most recent issue of Road and Track. But the first major step into racing came from a great friend who bought a 911. Will, one day said "hey I did a track event with my new car!" It was easy to tempt me with something having to do with cars, speed, and competition. So he quickly convinced me to take my 97' Mustang Cobra to Waterford Hills with the Porsche Club.
Stock tires, stock suspension, stock brakes and 400 hp on a wet Waterford Hills Track... Recipe for? A humbling, wild and crazy day. I got that I had a lot to learn but what I knew for sure was this sport was for me. I was told at the end of the day I could expect after some time, and a lot of practice, to be turning lap times in the 1:30s.(I turn 1:15s in the Porsche)

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